Tuesday 3 March 2009

Used Plasters

I go to a gym which has its own pool, but I rarely use it because a few days later I’ve got a runny nose or a bad throat. The other week while I was off work I ventured back into the pool, it gets really quiet between 12.30 and 1.30 when everyone else gets out to have dinner. The pool was nice and empty and I started off enjoying the swim, but after a couple of lengths I came across a brown lump floating on the water’s surface. I swam round it and got out of the pool soon after that. I couldn’t decide what it was. It looked like a big mole had become detached from somebody. Other times I’ve been in the pool I’ve found leaves and used plasters floating about. It does make me wonder if I’m doing more harm going to the gym than good. In the shower I went to put my shampoo in the tray on the wall that I thought was supposed to be for such a purpose. Obviously it’s not meant for shampoo or shower gel, it’s meant for your used plasters and chewing gum. I put my shampoo on the floor, but I do feel unclean after I’ve been to the gym. Many times I grip the handles of the cross trainer to feel them wet, or even sticky sometimes. With the state of the changing rooms I often wonder if I should have a second shower at home.

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